Blade vs. Burr Grinder
16th Aug 2024
Grind size is one of the most important factors in brewing a
great cup of coffee. If you are an avid coffee drinker, you may be thinking
about investing in a grinder. There are 2 main types of grinders on the market
today sold for use at home, the blade grinder, and the burr grinder.The blade grinder has 2 blades that spin to grind the
coffee. The problem with this grind is that the pieces tend to not be uniform,
resulting in some large and some very fine pieces which result in a bitter cup
To Chemex or to Chemaer?
Posted by Barrett the Bearista on 9th Aug 2024
Any of loyal followers will know that our go to brewer has been the Chemex for years. However, at a 5 AM brewing session travesty occurred! We dropped our Chemex and while this wasn't its first drop, it would be its last as it did not survive this one! We knew we would immediately order a new one, and a few weeks ago Bethany mentioned she wanted to try out the new Chemaer. This model is based on the Glass Handled Chemex which comes in an 8-cup size. The extra capacity is nice
Is My Coffee Fresh?
16th Feb 2023
Have you ever gotten a bag of coffee and wonder if it is
fresh or not? Here are some tips to help you recognize fresh versus stale
1.Roast dateAll fresh coffee will have a roast
date on it. If there is not a roast date on the bag, then you are likely
drinking old coffee roasted months ago. If it does have a roast date and it is
in the past 2 weeks, then you are good to go! If it’s been over 2 weeks, its
going bad, finish it as soon as possible.
2.Ground or Whole BeanI know not ev